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After a hectic day, I yearned for a sensual back rub, but my lover's hands skillfully glided down to my throbbing shaft, igniting passion with oiled fingers. The ecstasy was beyond words, perfectly unwinding me.

After a long day of work, all I desired was a soothing back rub. My lover, being the caring person they are, offered to give me a sensual massage. They anointed my body with oil, their hands gliding over my skin, creating a tantalizing sensation. As they reached my throbbing shaft, they began to stroke it with their oiled fingers, their touch sending shivers down my spine. The pleasure was overwhelming, and I could feel myself reaching the edge of ecstasy. The sight of my oiled body, the intimate moment with my lover, and the erotic touch on my sensitive shaft made this experience unforgettable. This was not just a back rub, but a sensual exploration of pleasure and desire.


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